Thursday, September 18, 2008

How did I get peanut butter IN MY EAR???

please answer that for me. because I just scratched my ear, and peanut butter from my bagel this morning was lodged right above my earlobe. also, yesterday I went to pull my hair back, and wiped oatmeal from breakfast off my NECK. what the crap is going on here?

I really don't like Third Eye Blind, except for this one song called "10 Days Late" I think the title is pretty self-explanatory, but it took me about 3 years to realize the song was about a guy who's girlfriend is 10 days late on her period and now they're havin a bebe.

question about facebook etiquette: when is ok to friend someone that you only SORTA know? like, you say hi and stuff at work, but that's about it. speaking of facebook, can anyone remember what the days before facebook were like? how did I spend (waste) all of my time???

I don't think I'm going to make it through the day, what with all the misplaced food and facebook quandries. someone please come rescue me...
since I am feeling so weird and foggy today, here is a picture of me and ashley cuttin a rug :)

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